The complete Chinese Democracy leak...

No I haven't. As a matter of fact after awhile I lost my interest on the band and I even trade the albums including AFD. I believe GNR had a momentum and they let it passed by and now Axl is living on a cloud trying to keep alive a very gruesome corpse. Is they haven't lost Izzy and foused more in the music than in their egotrips thay could have been huge IMO.

they were huge... easily the best hard rock group in the world at the time
I've heard bits & pieces of Chinese Democracy & it's really not as bad as I had expected. Problem is he can never release it, since the main thing it has going for it is the fact that it's been in progress for 15 years. Sounds like Axl wants to sit on it indefinitely, but record lable keeps "leaking" things...
I simply think that I could buy five litres of Vodka, drink it down in five minutes and could projectile vomit in key and record the sound that it makes.... and it would sound better than anything that comes from Axl's mouth. His voice really gets under my skin. In other words, I won't be getting "Chinese Democracy" if it were free.

The way I usually describe it is, "See kids, this is why heroin is bad."
I've been there since "Use Your Illusions" :heh:
It's all subjective of course, but I've always wondered how people were able to stomache the Use your Illusion albums. I thought they just weren't very good. I remember Rolling Stone mag comparing them to Physical Graffitti and Exile on Mainstreet at the time. I wondered if they had different records than the ones I was hearing.

Again, it's all subjective, and I know some people here like those records. But when I heard Appetite for the first time I was really blown away. I was kind of a close minded metal head at that point (high school), so for me to even venture into somewhat conventional hard rock was rare. But that record just killed from start to finish, and still stands as a true classic. The interplay of the rhythm guitar parts, the street wise lyrics, the great melodies, and the pure rocking quality of it were timeless. Use Your Illusions(s) were just boring to me...the difference between You Could Be Mine, or Civil War, and say, My Michelle or Mr. Brownstone could be measured in light years.

For my money, GNR made one amazingly good record, and then got completely average after that - including Lies...which was a poor man's Zep III.

I'm not very interested in the new record, but only because I pretty much think they just got lucky the first time out at this point. But I do think Appetite is so good, that GNR deserves all the praise and attention they've gotten through the years. It would be like if Zep made IV, and then made a bunch of junk after that. They'd still be remembered as pretty much awesome. But as for the new GNR, I can't imagine it will be any better than anything they've released since that first, amazing record. The track record is way too obvious at this point.
It's all subjective of course, but I've always wondered how people were able to stomache the Use your Illusion albums.

As you may guess I was being sarchastic. I bought them at the time only because I found them ludicrously cheap. Some songs I dug but as a whole is was like "Nostradamus" too much fillers for some hits, no need for a double album it was a way of showing off wankery by the band (named Axl) IMO.

The point for me was that I lost confidence in the band and even AFD begun to sound cheap for me. I trade the CDs and never looked back to GNR although I may enjoy a song or two if they have radio play and for some weird reason I'm listening to radio (or if it is playing on a bar). Besides that I have no interest anymore for them.
The UYI albums definitely suffered from the 2cd megalomania but IMO the good songs are very, very good and had it been trimmed to one album it would've been a top5 album of the 90s for sure. In fact I've compiled a playlist from the best songs of the two albums and it clocks in at 1h 15min, just filling a single cd:

Right Next Door To Hell
Dust n' Bones
Don't Cry
You Could Be Mine
November Rain
Pretty Tied Up
Double Talkin' Jive
Don't Damn Me
Civil War
Garden Of Eden
14 Years

Everything in there is just pure class and I have to say the slick epic sound works for me better than Appetite (which is an absolute classic in it's own right as well).
can i get some info about this album? it's dated 2007 but has it even been released? will it ever be released? who plays on it? the production seems kinda crappy so is this just an online version? won't it bomb as far as sales go since it's mediocre and everyone can already hear it?
can i get some info about this album?

it's dated 2007 but has it even been released?

will it ever be released?
inevitably, yes... probably against Axl's wishes. when? wtf knows.

the production seems kinda crappy so is this just an online version?
I suspect that these aren't the "final final" versions

won't it bomb as far as sales go since it's mediocre and everyone can already hear it?
no doubt... especially considering the unprecedented amount of time money & hype over the past 15 years.
oh, it's just axl and "some other dudes". kinda weak. well i'm listening to it and so far it actually sounds pretty good.
It's all subjective of course, but I've always wondered how people were able to stomache the Use your Illusion albums. I thought they just weren't very good. I remember Rolling Stone mag comparing them to Physical Graffitti and Exile on Mainstreet at the time. I wondered if they had different records than the ones I was hearing.

Again, it's all subjective, and I know some people here like those records. But when I heard Appetite for the first time I was really blown away. I was kind of a close minded metal head at that point (high school), so for me to even venture into somewhat conventional hard rock was rare. But that record just killed from start to finish, and still stands as a true classic. The interplay of the rhythm guitar parts, the street wise lyrics, the great melodies, and the pure rocking quality of it were timeless. Use Your Illusions(s) were just boring to me...the difference between You Could Be Mine, or Civil War, and say, My Michelle or Mr. Brownstone could be measured in light years.

For my money, GNR made one amazingly good record, and then got completely average after that - including Lies...which was a poor man's Zep III.

I'm not very interested in the new record, but only because I pretty much think they just got lucky the first time out at this point. But I do think Appetite is so good, that GNR deserves all the praise and attention they've gotten through the years. It would be like if Zep made IV, and then made a bunch of junk after that. They'd still be remembered as pretty much awesome. But as for the new GNR, I can't imagine it will be any better than anything they've released since that first, amazing record. The track record is way too obvious at this point.

I first got into GnR around 88 or 89 through Welcom to the Jungle... then when the UYI albums came out I totally fell in love with them. Frankly all three of those albums remain personal favorites of mine. I think GnR made the right decision with the stylistic changes from their first album to the UYI albums... it was a natural progression and I think it yielded some fantastic songs. :worship:
The UYI albums definitely suffered from the 2cd megalomania but IMO the good songs are very, very good and had it been trimmed to one album it would've been a top5 album of the 90s for sure. In fact I've compiled a playlist from the best songs of the two albums and it clocks in at 1h 15min, just filling a single cd:

Right Next Door To Hell
Dust n' Bones
Don't Cry
You Could Be Mine
November Rain
Pretty Tied Up
Double Talkin' Jive
Don't Damn Me
Civil War
Garden Of Eden
14 Years

Everything in there is just pure class and I have to say the slick epic sound works for me better than Appetite (which is an absolute classic in it's own right as well).

I agree except I think Yesterdays should be in that list instead of November Rain. November Rain isn't a horrible song but I am still sick of it from when radio and MTV played the hell out of it back in the day. :p
Judging music is, indeed, all subjective. With that said, it's quite easy to see why UYI was/is frowned upon by so many, especially if compared to Appetite. The metal/punk hybrid raging fury isn't quite there (with a few exceptions). But it would have been impossible to replicate that emotion(s). As they stand, UYI have a lot of filler and some unbelievably amazing songs. To my ears, Estranged & Breakdown are the single best things this band ever did. Ever. Nothing on the great debut can match them - although they're quite different from most of what that record contained.
I would save only Don't Cry, 'Garden Of Eden' and 'You Could Be Mine', 'November Rain' is good but overplayed to death indeed. The rest I don't remember or care. The kind of songs worth to have as MP3s only anyway.
I would save only Don't Cry, 'Garden Of Eden' and 'You Could Be Mine', 'November Rain' is good but overplayed to death indeed. The rest I don't remember or care. The kind of songs worth to have as MP3s only anyway.

it's really strange how different people can react to the same work so differently... i love almost everything on both UYI albums... right next door to hell, don't cry, november rain, double talkin' jive, coma, civil war, locomotive, you could be mine, estranged, breakdown, etc. all fantastic songs