The coolest bunch of people on the net


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
You all ROCK!! :worship:

Thanks so much for the support. It makes a difference believe me. At the moment I am working very hard to improve things and making progress.

Things are a bit looking better than last time I wrote you all. You can be sure that I will return for 100 %.

I just need some times to solve some trouble.
I hope some day I can meet you all. That would be great! You really are the best of friends to have.

OLD SCHOOL OK!! :headbang:
you rule too hawk,no one has been more informative and interesting than you,and i'm sure the other guys would agree,that we've all learnt stuff from you these last few months.
no pressure from us dude,you come back full time as soon as you think you are ready.good luck with everything,and as before,if you ever want to talk,just pm me or e mail.i'm sure all the other guys are the same too.

p.s-you were right about biomechanical.they rule.
Dude, I'm so glad to hear things are getting better. I'm very happy to hear that. I hope you get through this as soon as possible, collect yourself. That's first and foremost. Then, come back and be a regular again! We love ya, pal!
The Hawk, mighty bird of prey, flying tall under blood red skies, utters his scream of vengeance...when he'll return to the nest of the UM.

My best wishes, may all come good for you. Best vibes :headbang:
sixxswine said:
This is further proof that UM Old School IS THE tightest bunch of people on at least this site.
We'll be around when you're ready Hawk.

its true man I am very protective of this ... I have met the absolute coolest people right here .... in vermont there is no such thing as a "Metal Comunity" we are spread so thin up here that you could live here your hole life and Not run into another metal head and when I say metal head I mean like you guys and gals ya know COOL! hahahaha thats why I blast and ignore idiots ....... anyways I gotta shut up and go to sleep now! o_O