The Crew's favorite brews?

Jun 12, 2006
I'm sorry if this has been asked before,
but I was wondering what COB's favorite drinks are (collectively) -
I was planning on bringing them some bottles for putting on a good show and hopefully a few signatures.
So...what type of alchohol and brand is their known favorites?
Thanks all in advance!

Also, anyone ever try this beffore?
Jameson whiskey,JD,white're probably safe with anything as long as it's not german beer..

I bumped into Alexi on the stairs in a venue in Hamburg in November and gave him an unopened, bigass bottle of jagermeister I was holding.But I made the bad move of asking him for a pic almost straight after so I'll bet it kinda looked like I was bribing him to stay and do the whole fan thing,oh well..he seemed appreciative. I doubt they really care about it though so much,free booze being already catered for them on tours and all.
Jameson whiskey,JD,white're probably safe with anything as long as it's not german beer..

I bumped into Alexi on the stairs in a venue in Hamburg in November and gave him an unopened, bigass bottle of jagermeister I was holding.But I made the bad move of asking him for a pic almost straight after so I'll bet it kinda looked like I was bribing him to stay and do the whole fan thing,oh well..he seemed appreciative. I doubt they really care about it though so much,free booze being already catered for them on tours and all.

Alexis three favorites... lol
Probably they appreciate it. but I would assume that it won't be such a big deal for them since, as happilemon said, they have more booze on backstage than they can even drink.