The Cult disappoint...

I've never been much of a fan, but their album that came out a few years ago with "Rise" was pretty good.

That was the record Beyond Good and Evil, even with the addition of drummer John Tempesta this record has no juice...
There is a track that has a riff that a blatant rip off of "Substitute" from The Who....That is really the only highlight. Save your money. That's my advise to even the most die-hard of fan...
i guess you just helped me save my money which is a shame because i loved everything the cult released and really liked beyond good and evil
Do not listen to the thread starter.....Born Into This is amazing.
I cannot stop listening to it. I thought it was to poppy and mediocre at first but it just keeps growing and growing on me. It may be album of the year for me.:kickass:
Fuck you really need to get out more...:lol:

After this weekend I don't want to go out for a looooonnnnngggg time:zombie:

Beyond Good and Evil was album of the year that came out. I guess the Cult hit a sweet spot and are nice change from all the metal.
Candlemass, Porcupine Tree, Antimatter, High on Fire are all up there too but Born Into This is demanding more repeated listens than the others
Im not a big Cult fan but this release should do well for them, it seems like good party music for starters. One of my favourite trax was Savage. The track Dirty Little Rock Star should do very well for them as a single, its catchy as hell.