The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Man, are you seriously going to resort to clichés like, "you have pent up frustrations" and "find a girlfriend"? My "penned up" frustrations are nothing more than a strong dislike towards you because you only visit this board to act like a prick or to slobber over the girls, and the "find a girlfriend" comment was even more pathetic. I'd find a girlfriend, but the one I've been with for nine months now won't let me date!

I've lost interest in pursuing this pissing contest with you, since you obviously can't even muster the wit to type somthing funny. I'm guessing your next post would be, "Get a life!", so don't bother. Just shut your trap and bugger off to some pedo board. Maybe LRD will go with you.

No, my next post obviously feel the need to carry on over nothing...showing me that you are clearly projecting your own feelings. You have some strange need to monitor the board, although there are no restrictions here that I'm aware of. It's really quite silly. Don't you have friends here you'd rather converse with?

I'm not looking for humor...are you? I haven't seen it.
showing me that you are clearly projecting your own feelings.
Cut the e-psychiatry, you're no good at it. This is my last post on the subject. Now go play nice.

wow what happened here
Why, an

of course.
Cut the e-psychiatry, you're no good at it. This is my last post on the subject. Now go play nice.

Why, an

of course.

Didn't need to be a subject at created it...again...don't post it if you don't want a comment. Now if it was your picture I could see that you made some sense. Guess "El Stormo" is the Nevermore police? comforting...ladies, you have nothing to fear.
Didn't need to be a subject at created it...again...don't post it if you don't want a comment. Now if it was your picture I could see that you made some sense. Guess "El Stormo" is the Nevermore police? comforting...ladies, you have nothing to fear.

I find it funny that you're arguing as if you have some backing and experience here.
