The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

While talking to Hansen. Trip him up into asking about a time frame for something.

"How long did you think you'd get away with things like this?"
Two weeks!

Twooooo weeeeeekssss!
I'm sure he's been doing that show long enough, that the only ones that make it to TV are the ones where the guys are complete morons who actually DO sit down and talk to him.
I'm a big fan of the excuses people make.

Faked or not, what they have supposedly done is clearly documented, yet they insist on excusing their actions with something ridiculous - "I was ah, I'm her Uncle, we're ah going to get some candy and ah, I was invited here. Yeah, I'm the cleaner" and so it goes on.

Isabel's picture is the sexiest thing in the thread, hands down.

I'd be ok with some Scottish belly as well. Not saying which one.


David Hume has a nice Scottish belly...

the people on that show dont actually get arrested because they havent actually committed a crime. its just another bullshit 'make everyone feel better and safer because we're catching pervs!' fake news show. all its doing is embarrassing a few people and teaching others how not to get caught. horrible show.