The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

New Texas guy... post a picture of your belly, if you look back, all the cool people posted theirs, Isabel, Kevin and of course my weekly update

Heh, I dunno! My belly isn't exactly what most people would call sexy, and it's a bit fuzzier than most as well... Congrats on the baby, by the way! My bassist's wife is pregnant and due just any time now.

Awwwwwwwwwww I hope everything goes well :) I am so excited, but I have to wait soooo long, and I was hoping maybe I would deliver on Halloween, but that's too late :( oh well... still in Autumn! Which is awesome.

Autumn babies are the best! Hopefully (s)he turns out to be a fantastical Libra like me :D
Camera + mirror = Myspace, so...



Nice hair/piercing/beard combo, I must say :blush::)