The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

There are a couple pics in here I meant to take a while ago when it was still happening on this board, but I was lazy....



HAHAH! That DEEP EVIL movie... some of that was filmed in my house at the time! The red headed chick's house throughout the movie was my house at the time. I got to watch the whole thing be filmed there, got to help out the grips, got to eat with lorenzo lamas. It was awesome.

The movie sucks though.
It actually wasn't too bad of a movie... up until some fuckers in alien suits start running around.
Yep, mine did too. I asked for clarification and they just sent me a terms of service PDF. I queried the moral compass employed in its creation and they agreed to keep it up.
well, nekkid pics that i uploaded to my photobucket a long time ago are still there. but any that i upload now get deleted.