The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

go ahead Derek. I find it fascinating that anyone would even think of piercing such a tender spot (then again, i'd tattoo my chest or ribs if given the chance which is probably just as bad)

You can't see anything now, so it'd basically be just a picture of my nipple. :cry:
Nice. Yes I have to say, I have a high tolerance for pain, but I actually shouted "SHIT FUCK CRAIG HOLY FUCK!" Craig being the piercer. So I only have one side done- I contemplate getting the other side done so I am symmetrical. I think it's nice looking and hasn't given me any problems, aside from hurting like a bitch when I got it done. Hmm.

Kevin labret or eyebrow would look pretty sexy on you sir, I think. I am contemplating my next piercing if it's not my right nipple, hmm.

And if you happen to have a BME membership you could most definitely find my picture in the piercing gallery under "nipple- female- standard" haha.
It's all about the nipples.

Okay, I took some pictures for today:

This one was taken through a bottle of Olive Oil. It didn't really work, but I like how ridiculous my lips look. Plus, I like how the Dartboard acts as foil to my Olive Oil (rhyming!).


Standard Mirror Picture is next. Showing off my new high and tight military haircut (great for summer weather!) and some manly arms.

I gave into the stereotypical metalhead cliche and bought a new jacket.

