The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I do believe in liberal law, prisons, punishment etc. but there are definitely repeat cases where there is a good enough reason to strip them of rights. Here in sweden we have drunk drivers running amok getting arrested like 47 times and still getting their license back eventually. That's just self-destructive.
What did you do in Holland?

hahaha, well, the reason why I know it for a fact is because a brother of a friend of mine from The Netherlands was in prison, and he called every week
with tales about the things they do in "prison" .... He was such a loser... I fucking hated that guy... but non the less: it sounded like they were at the Holiday Inn....

Chris ;)

Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew!
I didn't see it, because it looked horrible, but apparently its about an Israeli Special Forces dude (Sandler) who decides he wants to come to the US to become a hairdresser. He kicks a lot of ass while having a funny Isreali accent, hilarity ensues.
Screwing with a few new frame ideas... Also testing the macro on the new camera.
