The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture


thanks girl!!!

No where, perv!!! Ask Potty Bear!

And what about the dispenser?

BTW, the moon looks F'n cool tonight.
Oi! Youve gained weight? Its certainly not a bad thing! Lookin awesome Jen!

yes I have. I have a rare medical condition that the doc has me on steroids for. I was pretty sick for a while before they figured out what it was. Once I'm off the roids, the weight will come right off, so says the doctors. I'm really hoping they're right.

I can't even work out right now because my legs are so messed up.

I really appreciate the compliment though. Thanks hun!
Alright, I haven't sifted through 294 pages, so I don't know if this has been done yet, but the back of my zippo turned out to be a pretty sweet mirror:

Here's the original -

Album cover version (black and white filter, check off tint, max out the blues, take back the magentas, play a little with the cyans and yellows, then INVERT FOR BLACK METAL VERSION!) -

Thanks Jen! I wanted to actually light it up, but I ran out of fluid and I think I need to replace the wick as well at this point... Oh well. I'll see if I can come up with more ideas next week, since I'm going to Cuba tomorrow.