The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture


Got a haircut, and somebody wanted to be in the picture with me.
I'm actually a girl. But, I can appreciate a nice pair of tits. :cool:

Oh what the hell, NICE RACK
I don't think I've ever done a mirror pic so here's me epic chillin in my undershirt and gym shorts at home

Also yeah I have a huge forehead, if I go way too bald I'm gunna shave it down to skinhead level but that'd probably look freaky haha
Cara's ID is smart!

That sunglasses picture reminds me of one that I took, but yours is probably a lot nicer looking.

A big forehead is a strong forehead! Welcome to the club, friend.

I went through great pains to get this picture from my phone to my computer just for this thread, so appreciate it! It's in the local courthouse. I was there this afternoon, because I got a jury summons. It's a crappy picture, but I only had a short time to take it.
