The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Those pockets are perfect for storing things like M&Ms, Gumdrops, marbles, mints, or spare pencil erasers.

Or maybe a Zippo in each, open and lit at all times.
I told you not to answer that.
Nice nipple pawckets Cara:D.

Shanks :Spin:

Those pockets are perfect for storing things like M&Ms, Gumdrops, marbles, mints, or spare pencil erasers.

Or maybe a Zippo in each, open and lit at all times.


Apparently, Cara also loves RC Cola. Look at her! She looks like she's either consumed a shit ton of caffeine or smoked some crack.

I don't love it, but it's a nice change from the usual sodas. RC in a bottle is not something seen a lot around here, but my school has it. And yeah I smoked a lot of crack, drank a little Hennessy to go with it, too.

For the record, Cherry RC is poo.
Cherry Coke and Cherry Dr. Pepper are where it's at. Or if you're in certain parts of TX or CA, just get some Big Red and be done with it.
Yeah, it really helped me bullshit my way to a 115 average. Of all the students in the class I'm probably the most indifferent to the subject :loco: