The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Photo from the other day when I went to my old buddy's wedding:

I say! You look quite smart, old chum!
this is the best I could do, my jacket is on the chair next to me :)

my mom, me and my girl, who looks like she's holding in a fart.

a very rare hat-less shot savor it!

Wow, great stuff guys!
Mephistophiliac, you have a very pretty sister:D (I'm supposing it's her?)
Here's my one and only suit pic. From my high school graduation. Thats my dad.

Well, i guess to be honest its not really a suit because i was wearing khaki's. Oh well, thats as close as I get.
yeah thats why in pictures i don't smile and if i do it's more of a grin or at least not super forced haha, otherwise they come out making you look wayyy too intense.