The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

I realized you're quite narcissistic. But as long as you have tits, it's all good.

I'm getting there myself, actually.
He's also got nice feminine hips. Don't know how popular those are with the ladies, but ah well. He weasels his way out with his guitar.
To steer the focus away from how badly I've just been pwned, I give you... my mom

First time I've gone out in a tank top and short pants since...probably last summer. My skin's still gross (to me) but eh, there comes a point when I've just got to say "whatever" and get on with it. It's too hot out for longsleeve shenanigans.

My summer wear is the exact same as my winter wear except with no jacket.

(Sorry for the size, photobucket doesn't seem to want to scale it down)
How often do you sit on your hair? How often does it get stuck in car doors and windows? Do you have to pull it out of the way to take a shit? Is it a pain in the ass to brush if it gets even a lil bit tangled? Do you find rogue hair fucking EVERYWHERE EVEN IN YOUR UNDERWEAR AND OTHER CLOTHES AFTER PULLING THEM OUT OF THE WASH?!?!

Man, my hair is fuckin long but not as long as yours and all of those things I mentioned are the things I hate most about it. I can't imagine how you deal with it haha.

One time I even found a clump of hair at the bottom of my oven... uncooked. Wtf?
I'm so used to having my hair this long that I instinctively pull it out of the way when I'm sitting down on/in a chair/car/toilet/etc. Yes, there is hair EVERYWHERE in my house including my clothes. But again, I've been dealing with it for so long that it's normal to me. It probably also helps that I typically have it in a ponytail.

My main problem with it is that if I even attempt to enjoy myself while playing bass I'm constantly fretting and fingering hair.

Edit: Now that it's getting nicer outside sitting on the ground is going to suck. My hair wasn't this long for last summer.