The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

A wild Sardebeest in its natural habitat.


Ok, I'm not gonna quote it, because its on here like 3562356 times and everyone knows what I'm talking about...

but God DAMN Cara! SRSLY

I've only ever seen Cara in metal clothes (i.e. tour shirts, etc.) or other baggy-ish clothing with a plaid/flanel shirt tied around waste. I definitely don't recall THAT body.

Right now, fucking awful. But never mind that. What kept you so long?

Why so awful?

Well the shop has been a fucking rollercoaster.. We are doing soo bad... We're doing a fundraiser show to help us restock.. Long story...

I also have been having alot of medical problems.. PRoblems which cause me to be on Steroids, so needless to say I BLEW up.. To the point where I hate looking in the mirror most days and unfortuantely until I'm off of them I can't do anything about it.. I have a rare condition called pyoderma gangranasum
which causes ulcers in my lower legs.. I've been sick on and off for a while now. They also think I have Chron's Disease. Which sucks.. But fortunately I'm getting better and almost to the point where I can be taken off the steroids.

Anyway.. what'snew with you?
Why so awful?
Thanks for asking, but that's not for the entire board to know :)

Well the shop has been a fucking rollercoaster.. We are doing soo bad... We're doing a fundraiser show to help us restock.. Long story...
Yeah, it must be awful trying to sell CDs if you have a passion for metal, and seeing all those stupid kids downloading everything because they think they're entitled to free music. I had plans to do something similar with a colleague of mine, but we both decided against it since the market is too small.

I also have been having alot of medical problems.. PRoblems which cause me to be on Steroids, so needless to say I BLEW up.. To the point where I hate looking in the mirror most days and unfortuantely until I'm off of them I can't do anything about it..
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that :( But hey, if it's the medication, at least when you get off the meds, you'll go back to the way you were, right?

I have a rare condition called pyoderma gangranasum
which causes ulcers in my lower legs.. I've been sick on and off for a while now. They also think I have Chron's Disease.
Geez, you really got a proverbial kick in the balls from fate there... Crohn's disease can be a real bitch. A friend of mine had it too. But some people aren't all that bothered by it, so you might get off easy?

Which sucks.. But fortunately I'm getting better and almost to the point where I can be taken off the steroids.
Let's hope you're almost done with them, yeah. *sends mental vibes*

Anyway.. what'snew with you?
Not much. The forum still has a love-hate relationship with me... only without the love :D