I love the coat, Dennis! I wish I could wear trenchcoats and similar things, but it never gets cold enough. Most of my hoodies have barely seen use.
That wallpaper is awesome! But why wouldn't it be? Considering who it belongs to
Nice shirt, too! I have no purple shirt other than a pajama shirt. Plus I just forgot today was gay day. I could've worn my rainbow striped polo shirt.
Most people in MD thought the purple shirt day was for the Ravens despite it not being a game day or Friday. Well done, Maryland.
It was some kind of dress like a gay person day? I saw a bunch of people in rainbow colored shirts with rainbow colored wristbands but I figured that's how they dressed everyday. Nothing is surprising on a college campus.
I wore purple today too..
Hey, Denisa, PerfectTerror, (what's your real name??) and Tom I dig the photos! So much sexiness!!!