Not all weddings are black tie affairs.
I'm going to wear a tux with a plaid undershirt just to make you and Karen cry now.
Is it that bad? I'll be honest and say that since I never have occasion to dress up, I don't really know what I'm doing there. I enlisted a couple of my female friends to help me get some clothes for the occasion, and that was the end result. I think I saw a couple other guys in khakis, though, so despite the fact that most of the people there were dressed better than I was, I don't think my sister will hate me forever. They're really nice khakis, if there's any redeeming value in that.
I have been informed that khakis are acceptable at outdoor weddings, which this one was. :shrug:
*slowly creeps away and never posts a picture again*
um that was exactly my question, learn to read ya canadian fereigner!!!---the only reason I was asking "what's up with that" and now I realize it was different than neal's question is because I think your top half and bottom half clash (i.e. they don't match, nor do they 'go') so that was my question.. khaki is like semi-formal and your top half looks formal, so for me- the whole look seem to clash-