The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

These are things I have done and shall continue to do. There is certainly a point where this etiquette goes beyond absurd. I'm not some uncultured slob, and I will agree that some of these rules have good reasons (mouth closed, dont spit the meat out, etc) but etiquette for its own sake is retarded.

I do those things too but only in certain company or certain surroundings. At a nice dinner, seriously, sopping up what's on your plate with bread in your hands is really bad form. It's like picking up your plate and licking it. At home or with friends I always do it but in a nice restaurant or date or something? Absolutely not.
It can be done if you use your fork, but not your hands. Using your hands with it is like using your fingers and then licking them. It's not that you can't use bread to enjoy what's left, it's using your HANDS to mop it up that's the bad form. Like I said, at home or Sunday dinner, I don't give a shit and I'll use my feet to get up all that good olive oil if I have to.

But I have to ask, ARE YOU USING SAUCE ON STEAK? Please say no!!!! Not that it's bad form or anything, but A1 on steak kinda ruins the steak unless it wasn't cooked very well.
Whatever style you choose, you can't go wrong with the napkin in your lap and elbows off the table while using your utensils like an adult. It's amazing how some people simply can't even do that.

some people only eat with a fork...
see, for me that's like: "y0, where your knife be at?!"

but I am way past the "judging" mentality... I leave that for my Frenchie mother. To each his own... in a casual setting among friends, I couldn't care less how my friends eat... they are all polite and awesome, if one is only using a fork.... so be it..

but I agree with you, Cris: on a date, or more formal settings, or in a really nice family dinner or event... I kinda expect that..
in what planet?!

It is only bad if you're using your fingers to push food into your fork... but knife? uh... yeah that's pretty much acceptable in all cultures.

On this planet, if you're eating "proper English/American" style. Hence, the changing of hands with the fork. If you're using fork in the left hand/knife in the right (or vice versa if you're left handed) without changing hands then of course it's ok. I do that here because it's actually rude to keep your hand in your lap.
Apparently it's called "Continental Style", as it's the universal style of eating everywhere. This is how I eat most often.

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Apparently it's called "Continental Style", as it's the universal style of eating everywhere. This is how I eat most often.

^ wait... this is what *I* said about eating, keeping knife in right hand, fork on left at all times, and you said something about switching hands or something???


^ yep, that's how I eat too....
Nothing wrong with a bearnaise sauce or some sort of marinade. I don't do A1. But I didn't realize that we were referring to steaks when I said sauce. I dont read your posts in full anymore.
Let people eat however they want to eat.

Unless they do that fat people thing where they breathe heavily as they eat


I can accept just about any type of table etiquette or lack thereof except for this. It's disgusting.
This may very well be the most retarded discussion I've ever seen on this board. At this point I can't do anything other than wonder how this can even be happening.

Stormo, I was speaking in general terms with my other post, but I read ya on everything you said.