The Damnation Game


Jul 21, 2002
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Well, I just got that CD a few days ago, and I think it doesnt pale at all before their later works! The song structures arent that "progressive" yet, usually just the familiar verse/chorus/verse/chorus/solo/chorus, but quite a few of their new songs have that strucutre as well. "The Damnation Game" is an incredible song with a fantastic guitar solo, so is"Dressed to Kill" with a kick ass chorus that makes me jump of my chair everytime I hear it... ;) I actually like all the songs, and there's a part at the beginning in "The Edge of Forever" that somehow reminds me of "Communion and the Oracle". Has anyone else noticed that or am I completely mistaken? "Whispers" is another great "ballad-like" song with a wonderful chorus, I really love that song! Russel's vocals are incredible there imo. "The Haunting" and "A Winter's Dream" are both among my favorites as well, I cant really decide which song I like best!
"The Edge of Forever" that somehow reminds me of "Communion and the Oracle". Has anyone else noticed that or am I completely mistaken?

Agreed, actually The Edge Of Forever reminds me a lot of the Communion and Accolade intros :spin:
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
Agreed, actually The Edge Of Forever reminds me a lot of the Communion and Accolade intros :spin:

When I first heard it I though: Hey, that's Accolade Part I! After the 2nd time I thought, nope, not Part I but Part II! ;) And now I decided it rather sounds like Communion and the Oracle... ;) Well, probably it just sounds like all of them :lol:
I agree that Damnation Game is on par with their latest stuff as well. The production isn't as robust but there are some killer songs on it. Dressed to Kill for example is one of my favorite SyX songs...that solo is insane...anyone have any idea how fast he is playing that first part? The opening riff smokes too.
There's a few songs on this album that I don't like... like "Dressed To Kill"... and I think this album is about 1/100th as good as the last 4... but it has a couple gems like "The Edge Of Forever" and "Winter's Dream".
Originally posted by †Russel Allen†®
I believe that The Damnation Game is a "kick-in-the-door" album of Symphony X!!

That would be DWOT in my opinion, but Damnation would definitely be the pounding at the door album. :) The necessary groundwork for the epic paths to follow. Responding to the earlier posts, I think Edge Of Forever is a masterpiece and a pivotal track in the band's history, and Accolade and Awakenings are directly descended from it.
I love this album, for me the classical part after the solo in Dressed to Kill is the best, the guitar and the keyboard/harpsicord thing...
And TEOF is my favorite sx song ever!
Great chorus in Whispers.
But overall, all the songs together, it is not as strong as other albums. (the cheese factor has something to do with this) DWOT is a solid album start to finish, but I really don't have any favs off of it. Still, as an album it is stronger than Damnation Game or TiO.
But my favorite SX songs mostly all off of Damnation Game and Twilight in Olympus, with the exception of The Accolades and of course "The Odyssey" is a favorite too.
You know, probably you are right, but i can't understand you.
I don't like Damnation Game too much for some reasons.
1. Bad prodution
2. Russel sings in a kind of strange manner
3. Songs like Damnation Game , Dressed to kill, Haunting , especially Savage Curtain are not truely good for me, honestly speaking. TEOF and Winters dream are wonderfull, but when I listen to V, i reach my inner nirvana, I LOVE this album , I go crazy. When I listen to Damnation Game all that I hear is some good songs, lots of ideas and no more....
Sorry :'(
I must say I don't care for many of the reviews here. The Damnation Game may be my favorite opus by them. I'd say it has more feeling than any of their other albums. I really like where the band were at this point. Romeo's guitar tone and Pinnella's contributions are just so top notch. "The Edge Of Forever" is their greatest work of art ever and on the same heavenly par would be "A Winter's Dream". "The Haunting" is seriously underrated and yes, that middle section to "Dressed To Kill" is definitely nothing but pure bliss.:cool: