The Dark Side of Garfield

Noooo fuckk yooouuu. I happen to agree with the arguement, and I would just be saying similar things, might as well like it up so dont have to type stuff..

Its about cats, and food. Cats can be summed up inot the following:
Eat food, Sleep, scratch things/people.
CliffBurton said:
Noooo fuckk yooouuu. I happen to agree with the arguement, and I would just be saying similar things, might as well like it up so dont have to type stuff..

Its about cats, and food. Cats can be summed up inot the following:
Eat food, Sleep, scratch things/people.

yes....but youre forgetting the fact that youre still an idiot.

this thread isnt about whether the original garfield strip is funny or not....its about how humorous it becomes in a dark/black comedy way when you take away garfields text bubbles.