Nice try


Nov 9, 2001
If you guys haven't seen the trailer for the live action/cgi Garfield movie, let me note that what's going to make the movie even MORE stupid is that the guy who everyone KNOWS is Garfield's voice (i.e. from the Saturday morning cartoon), Lorenzo Music, has died and is not lending his voice talents to this movie.

So, to try and fool us, what the makers of the Garfield movie have done is cast Bill Murray in the voice role of Garfield. Now, wtg, that sounds a little suspicious to me. Lorenzo Music voiced Garfield and Peter Venkman in the Real Ghosbusters cartoon, Bill Murray played Venkman in the Ghostbusters movie, so Bill Murray is going to do Garfield in the cgi/live action thing?? I don't know about you but to me, that certainly doesn't make it OK.
Yeah, I was at the movies recently and saw an ad for the Garfield movie (in the form of a picture of Garfield hanging on an outside window a la "hanging on the curtains" or something to that effect so that it looks like he's hanging on a pane of glass, facing the people outside). Even the picture used in the ad was some stupid CGI-cheesy looking thing, which just tells me that the movie's going to suck.
it's gruesome how they realistic-ized the film but kept garfield's bulging, swollen eyeballs.

i saw an ad where i think he was pressing sunglasses against them and they even, like, depressed a little, like they're squishy. ughhh.
why does hollywood keep raping everything from our generation's collective childhood?

it's like all these 20-something and 30-something people have hollywood jobs and no creativity to think up something new so they're just like "what hasn't been done yet? I know! Josie and the Pussycats!" "Nope, that's been done." "Aw. How about Grape Ape?"
i'm also going to bet that they didn't preserve the "jon is a miserable loser" part of the comic (like his continual rejection by Liz) and make him seem like a likable guy instead of a social misfit.
why is Odie not computer-generated and bulgy-eyed and rubber-necked? as drawn, he's seriously pretty alien/grotesque-looking, also, and that might be interesting to see.

also jennifer love hewitt with bulgy eyes.
Fuck, if Jon and Liz "get the hook up" by the end of the movie, like I anticipate, I think I'll stab out my eyes.

This doesn't mean I'm going to see the movie, by the way, but you never know.
someone report on how they craft the vet into a bikini or lingerie by the 30 min mark.

eventually they will perfect the contemporary "for kids... but adults too!" techniques and then finally, FINALLY we can do away with that puberty-line division bullshit.