The Darkness - anyone heard these guys?

yeah looking at the video (not that i could see very well in my media player, but ah well) i dont think its serious. I thought it was pretty funny. I couldnt listen over and over though thats for sure.
Prog Maiden said:
haha, Matt, what are you doing spreading this cheesy rock?! ;) I swear that lead singer is gay... or at least bi. Not to mention he looks constipated sometimes when he's singing.


he is gay?

thats gay!
Just wanted to bring this thread back... So i have been listening to them more, have the cd, and it is awesome. Just thinking about that. Yeah, they are a great, fun band. Just wondering if any oppinions have changed... i still think they are fun as hell to listen to :grin:, and i hope they come tour the states soon and play around here. T'would be fun to see em.
I think the main problem with these guys is that they are recieving so much attention and 'the saviours of rock' comment pisses a lot of people off because we all know there are thousands of bands who are a lot more talented who deserve the recognition more than a less funny version of Spinal Tap.
After possibly a second album they will dissapear into least with these guys you might hear a guitar solo on the radio.
theodyssey said:
I think it's great to see a band WHO DOESN'T TAKE THEMSELVES TOO SERIOUSLY!!! I really think this is something music (including metal) is missing... hence everyone hating devin on tour and calling him an asshole. i think music and musicians NEED to remember what a sense of humor is. And by the way, the dude has a great voice and really catchy stuff.

Okay, I didn't want to have to subject anyone to this, but if you want music with a sense of humor, check out my band Anal Infection...

...if you can brave the br00tality!
I like the Darkness, if nothing else they are entertaining and don't take themselves too seriously. Then again when you look the way they do you have to bring an element of comedy into it!
arglebargle said:
Well, you guys have Threshold, and they rule, so your country isn't totally musically inept. :loco:
And a little band called Porcupine Tree who I'm currently listening to.

Anyway, I'm really digging The Darkness. I didn't like them at first but I find them so fun now it's cool. We're actually playing Friday Night at a gig pretty soon.

Also, you've gotta love the subjects of some of the songs. Holding My Own is about masturbation and Growing on Me is about genital warts :Spin: :rock: