The Darkness


Autistic Superstar
Oct 16, 2002
what are you thoughts on Lowesoft,s great new sensation.

i borrowed the cd from a friend to see what it was like,

its so bad its acutually good to listen to in a watching a car crash kind of way.

rock cheese the highest order. all glam and power fans should at least check them out.

i wouldnt buy it though. my moneys going to somehwere a lot heavier this coming month
I think they are absolutely fucking atrocious. Are the vocals that bad on purpose?
BiatchGuy said:
Are the vocals that bad on purpose?

I don't mind The Darkness. Makes good driving music, and it's the first time since Slipknot that a fashionable band has come along that I dig and can sing along with my mates to :D
I like The Darkness..the vocals are not that bad. The music video might be..actually I think it's kind of funny

I hear they're big in the UK
Who do they sound like? think again, its got AC/DC written all over it, and what label are they signed to? why Atlantic of course, the spiritual home of AC/DC, so its no co-incidence really. Im not a major fan by any means but Im just glad that a rock band is in the charts again and kids are buying it, for some of these kids this will be their first taste of rock, some of those may want to explore further and get into heavier stuff, broaden their horizons so to speak, this can only be good for rock and metal as a whole, you can all see that can't you? and yes, I wished they'd have picked a better band to lead a rock revival (if it is one) but they could have gone a whole lot worse!