The death of a man

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
People get shot every day, musicians included. when was the last time you mourned a rapper getting shot? his death isnt as tragic as people make it out to be. so he played in a band, big deal, no one would care if i got shot and i play in the best band on okinawa.

so when do we take it too far? when does idolizing a singular person for having the minimal talent it takes to play a guitar go too far?
when do we take it too far? when does posting a thread against idolizing a single person for having the minimal talent it takes to play a guitar go too far?

stop being such a scene fag he had more than minimal talent but skill is the word you're looking for still he's not a good musician imo
I dont think all the accolades and respect are because of how wonderful dimebag was, but because of what happened. A deranged fan killed a musician on stage during a performance. That is a serious watershed moment for the metal community. Of course everyone is going to stand by Dimebag, even if he was a drunk washed up bum.

He was an excellent guitarist, and he did touch and inspire people with his music. That's more than 99.999% of the population can say about their lives--including you. Do you have Communist dreams of equality or something? If you do, remember even the Russian communist promoted famous composers, ballerinas, and novelists etc. People need others to inspire and look up to, even if all they do is perfect a single art form.
genocide roach said:
People get shot every day, musicians included. when was the last time you mourned a rapper getting shot? his death isnt as tragic as people make it out to be. so he played in a band, big deal, no one would care if i got shot and i play in the best band on okinawa.

so when do we take it too far? when does idolizing a singular person for having the minimal talent it takes to play a guitar go too far?

Why should someone mourn for someone that did not influence them ?

The reason why a musicians death might seem a bigger deal more than other deaths is because so many people are influenced by that person. Regardless people we know,touch will mourn on our death. It does not matter how many people. People have some people higher up.

If someone sits in their room listening a band a lot they will have more feeling towards a band member than some person that they do not know. Someone could possibly feel more connection with a band than relitives.

It really depends on the person.

You will hear about musicians,celebrities deaths. what can you do

They're the ones entertaining everyone. I guess you just need the right label connection,songs,etc to get yourself above others in the industry.
I think death definately forces people to exclude the bad and only remember the good in people (generally speaking!).

However...having met Dimebag on one occasion he was a thorougly nice chap, and definately played some nice guitar. I'm not denying that perhaps his greatness is over-exaggerated because of his tragic death, but i do still believe he was a great musician, and a thoroughly decent bloke and for me the tragic way he exited this world was exactly that: tragic. I see no problem with worshipping Dimebag because i think he warrants it regardless of the fact he tragically died.
I didn't blink an eye when I heard that this guy died. Who cares? Uh oh, this message may not stay, I might be trolling this thread! (Waiting for MetalAges to delete this post because I didn't worship and kiss the feet of this slain warrior!!!!! err.....I mean guitarist).
Hmm it was a shame he got killed. He was a good guitarist and he di what he enjoyed and made people happy through it.
But i prefer not to idolise people when they die. He was good, but he wasn't a god.
Lets enjoy wha the did but let's not go to extremes and get all silly about it.
If individual people want to worship him, fine but i'd rather it not get to the stage where you get evil looks if you don't worship him.
genocide roach said:
People get shot every day, musicians included. when was the last time you mourned a rapper getting shot? his death isnt as tragic as people make it out to be. so he played in a band, big deal, no one would care if i got shot and i play in the best band on okinawa.

so when do we take it too far? when does idolizing a singular person for having the minimal talent it takes to play a guitar go too far?

Don't get me wrong here, I've literally spent 45 seconds of my entire life listening to Pantera so I really hold no attachment to Dimebag at all but I guess a lot of Metal-heads thought he was a cool guy. The same way all the rap fans idolize Tupac I suppose.

I'd also put a wager that when Dimebag died, he was just a man that died and the world moves on. When the rapper dies, one who promotes "street life", selling drugs, materialism, etc is it really that big of a deal? I'd think that a rapper dying would be better for the world if anything.