The Detroit show on 10/8 & Mr Wu:


Apr 23, 2003
Set list: NFL
Caught in a mosh
Safe home
Keep it in the family
What doesn't die

At least I think thats what it was, I had had a few ginger ales by then :loco:

Mr Wu: Thanks for never getting harpo-phoia, we are glad you still come. it was an awesomely awesome performance. You deserve better than Harpos and I apoligize for my asshole city and its asshole music industry.

Please tell Joey: Frank who??
Charlie: He is God
John: My best to his growing family
Rob : Keep practicing (J/K)!!
Congrats to you and your (soon2be) better-half.
Next time you all are here and have a travel day, dinner's on me.
BIGPHAT442 said:
Please tell Joey: Frank who??

I gotta disagree with you here.

Yeah, I knew I was gonna take shit for that, but....replacements are rarely looked upon as favorably as originals (yes, brat, John is not included in that generalization), and I just wanted Joey to know he did a helluva job. Franks back up vocals will be missed.

Also, Joey looked like he belonged with the fellas, it's a good fit. I saw them twice before on this tour - Harpos, Machine Shop(Flint) - and I cannot say this show was any worse than those two. Well, except that Dio should be the warm-up to Anthrax's headline.
My first time seeing Thrax live I thought Joey did an awesome job. I would have loved to seen Frank but like I said Jopey did a bang up job and fit in great on stage.