The Devil Wears Prada - Dead Throne

Songwriting is f-ing heavy. Way more metal than any other TDWP music. Clean vocal lines are for the most part sick (My Questions? Tasty). I agree with what seems to be the general consensus though: vocals are too low in the mix, guitars are too high - especially considering the unspectacular guitar tone. Bass sounds like a fart and there's no power behind anything. Loose editing is actually kind of cool, but combined with the overly snappy snare, strangely clicky kick, and boxy guitars everything sounds way too floppy. I'm hearing clipping on my speakers all over the place, plus the master sounds overcompressed in many spots. Little to no punchiness in breakdowns, etc. This production style works great for songs like Kansas, but fails miserably for the heavier stuff. Synths are all really good (Joey...) but are completely buried behind the wall of sloppy guitars and wet-noodle snare.

Oh, and their drummer has gotten legitimately a lot better.
Songwriting is f-ing heavy. Way more metal than any other TDWP music. Clean vocal lines are for the most part sick (My Questions? Tasty). I agree with what seems to be the general consensus though: vocals are too low in the mix, guitars are too high - especially considering the unspectacular guitar tone.

got to agree with austin here. Guitars are biatchingly loud! and Mike has been buried =(

From what I've heard of the album on the website, Adam seems to of nailed the more ambient instrumental tracks on it such as Kansas and Chicago
i WISH some of the synth/stugis work could have been turned up.
And the fact that the breakdowns lack power aggravates me.
I pray to God this gets remixed.

Oh and TDWP went to Bb, tasty!
From what I've listened to so far, I think the songwriting is super solid, and this is coming from someone who isn't a Prada fan. Just not a huge fan of this mix, agree with just about every complaint about it. Wish the synth work was turned up. My last band had a keyboardist and for our new stuff, we wanted a really raw sound, and had to turn down all the keys because it just ended up sounding weird having really dirty sounds and super clean sounding keys, So I sort of understand that reasoning, but I think we even struck a better balance than this. But complaints aside it's cool.
It just lacks the atmosphere that this band really, really needs. That coupled with some serious balance issues are making this less than enjoyable to listen to. The whole mix is way to dry, A/B this and the Zombie EP. It's actually funny. None of their fans seem to care to much though.