The difference between semi-professional and professional equipment?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So I'm thinking of finally buying a better mixer. Right now im using a behringer UBB1002 that i bought on a budget but now im more interested in buying a better mixer with 3-5 channels for about £200

Any suggestions?
and also if a product says semi professional or professional is that just a label put on the products or are there actually differences?
I haven't come across too many products that say semi professional on them,i would think that the company selling the product would like to be thought of as being professional and target the consumer they are marketed towards.
Regardless of what your told and what you read,buy a product that allows you to do the job/s your aiming to do and fit's the budget you can afford.

The higher your demand the more likely you will invest in "other" equipment to suit your needs.
the difference between semi-pro and pro gear is that you KNOW the pro shit as soon as you look at/touch it, and don't even have to ask

also, anything that puts the word "professional" or "studio" on it is going to be crap