the dragonforce hate and love thread

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Drug the Priest
May 30, 2005
the bowels of lochness
Hate & Love.....yes.....yes.....

Dragonforce is great and everything. But after a while you begin to see a pattern. haven't you seen it? (Intro, solo, vocal, chorus, vocals, solo, twin guitar solo, bass solo, drum solo, vocal solo, another twin guitar solo, chorus, solo, and then...outro) ya.....I've seen it.
but who am I kidding? DRAGON FORCE PWNS!!!!!dawn over a new world is such a great song. pales even the best of power metal ballads. Definitely not filler, no of course not. filler is for the weak! I love dragon force,, yes yes i do. :worship:

Ohh dragonforce please play me some more of your solos, ohh yes!! they tickle my bowles!!!! Please!!! double bass me!!!! OHH I feels sooo goodd!!
Dragonfoce: "argh! through the fire and the snow my spirit will go on, forever on! The sunlight will come, and the shadows will run, for those grannies are good looking nuns!!!!"
Hhahah my friend just saw them the other night... said it was entertaining. Eh, I've never heard them. Their name reaks of Power Metal and so I've always stayed away.
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