the dragonforce hate and love thread

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Impudent said:
I find simplistic music to be much more enjoyable than super-technical music.

same here...thats why I listen to a lot of grindcore and bands like Darkthrone.
VadimVon said:
I fucking despise Dragonforce. One of the shittiest, least inspired bands to fucking emerge from the US metal scene in the past ten years for sure. I still remember their promo ads for their first album a few years ago - those fuckers used to hype themselves as "an epic black metal band". 'Nuff said. And Eric Petersen, the sorry motherfucker who formed that band, is just a fat little fuck with a mild case of down syndrome, as far as I'm concerned. He fucking sucks as a guitar player.

You're thinking of Dragonlord btw.
Fury of the Storm said:
I like Dragonforce alot, hence my username. I never got how they got so popular so fast.

catchy melodies, simple music structure, kinda the same reason britney spears and the rest get soo much praise.
Fuck, connection problem. I orginally said: I like Dragonforce alot, hence my username. I never got how they got so popular so fast.

Xorv said:
catchy melodies, simple music structure, kinda the same reason britney spears and the rest get soo much praise.
True. I also guess because of the solos. I mean, there are much more skilled guitarists in the metal scene but most people dont know that. A 3 min solo is like a signal flare of skill to casual music listeners as oppose to a complacted chord prgression which is like waving a glow stick in a dark cave to them.
Authentic Metalhead said:
You don't have to like it, just don't call operatic vocals gay. That is bad. :mad:

I can enjoy the clean vocals in Bathory's viking albums, so I guess that counts.
VadimVon said:
I fucking despise Dragonforce. One of the shittiest, least inspired bands to fucking emerge from the US metal scene in the past ten years for sure. I still remember their promo ads for their first album a few years ago - those fuckers used to hype themselves as "an epic black metal band". 'Nuff said. And Eric Petersen, the sorry motherfucker who formed that band, is just a fat little fuck with a mild case of down syndrome, as far as I'm concerned. He fucking sucks as a guitar player.
Dragonforce epic black metal? :err: WTF?
Like Nec said, he's thinking of Dragonlord.

Dragonforce is from England, not the US.
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