The Dragonlord cd

Keep suggesting hints.. someone might be kind enough to order you a copy.. :p

Not me though.. my money gets spent on myself!

Originally posted by Black Heart
That's an AWSOME album!!
I really liked it!
too bad it's not availble here in Israel :cry: and I can't order it from the net :cry:

Yeah, let me just wave my magic wand...
But seriously. What other bands have connections to sell over there? I mean you could contact who ever imports other band's cds and have them bring it in as an order. A lot of labels licence each others acts. You could also go to the band's record company's web site, in this case - SpitFire Records, and see if they have mail order.
I know someone has sold Sadus cd's in Israel because I've gotten mail from over there before. It can be done.
I'll try to wrack my brain and remember that company in Greece that exports to Israel...