The DVD..

does travis smith have some kinda machine that knocks all these lookalike anapethtonia images out??

the second one is okay but its all pretty standard issue at this stage
well, it's his style i guess.
the only ones i know of opeth and katatonia are darker, greyish and brownish. at least these have some color

:lol: @crack!
Bambi said:
does travis smith have some kinda machine that knocks all these lookalike anapethtonia images out??

the second one is okay but its all pretty standard issue at this stage

aye, so it seems :Smug:
aye hes good at it for what it is, and so was dave mckean long before him, but style/form before function i think is an easy way out, eventually falls flat and never stands up to the tests of time... vaughan oliver, now he was very good at it, and without things like photoshop :D , peter saville, probably the best there ever was, though storm thorgeson did some good things too but not as much

i look back at for example the first machine head cd, cemetary cds, loads more, and i think oh fuck, you just dont get that with the last 2 i mentioned, because these are innovative and lateral pieces with clever concepts embedded, not about style or shock, how dark 'it looks' etc
hes an illustrator, designers dont have style, theyre there to innovate, not mess about with what looks 'cool' :D
did he? ah sound, yea hes more an illustrator, that would be more his thing, every agency with illys on their books are filed as style, designers/art directors hire them, and give them the concepts to the brief, mostly this is how it works, though i'd stay away from agencies, scum of the earth :lol: