I happened to snag one of the copies The End had in stock, out of curiosity-- it's sealed with a price tag on the shrinkwrap from "Last Unicorn" for$17.99-- I'm guessing one of The End's purchasers happened across a few from a closed store or something.
Anyhow, I have three copies now-- one sealed in my Woods collection, one I listen to that I got back during the pre-order, and one I picked up when two metalheads got engaged/married and combined their collections. I'm willing to part with the used one after I check it out to make sure it plays without skips, etc. as this one had been in my collection.
Once I make sure it works fine (I think it may have a scuff or two on it), I'll post in this thread for those interested. If it works, the conditions of the sale are this:
Paypal only
$11 + $5 s/h for first class in the US with delivery confirmation
$11 + $5 s/h for airmail to Canada
$11 + $6 s/h for Western Europe/Japan
Anyone desiring insurance or other shipping services would have to let me know for additional fees.
Please don't contact me about the cd until I repost in this thread-- then it will be first come, first served.