The End of Heartache Cover clip

Im impressed! A little muddy, missing some high end and some punch, but not sure if thats just the myspace player. Snare gets lost as well. I do like the low end on the mix. Can you post on sound click? I love the bass

Also can you please give details on everything? What drums, guitars amp'd and processing on the bass?
Im impressed! A little muddy, missing some high end and some punch, but not sure if thats just the myspace player. Snare gets lost as well. I do like the low end on the mix. Can you post on sound click? I love the bass

Also can you please give details on everything? What drums, guitars amp'd and processing on the bass?

If you go to and input that url i've provided you'll be able to get hold of the high quality version I uploaded.
Im impressed! A little muddy, missing some high end and some punch, but not sure if thats just the myspace player. Snare gets lost as well. I do like the low end on the mix. Can you post on sound click? I love the bass

Also can you please give details on everything? What drums, guitars amp'd and processing on the bass?

Vocals - All me, compressed at 5:0 fast attack fast release, gated and reverb on a send andddddd just experiment to make it sound middy.
Guitars - Toneport UX1 D/I (any special details on effects I can tell you upon request) EQ wise I cut everything below 100hz and cut everything above 12khz, also gated. Quadtracked anddddd on the lead guitar I basically cut everything below 500hz and everything above 3khz to give it that phone like sound.
Bass - It's actually a midi bass and processing wise I compressed it at a 5:0 ratio, fast attack, fast release, cut off everything above 1khz, cut off everything below 20hz with a 3db boost at 80hz.
Drums - Addictive Drums, personalised kit (can't remember which pieces off the top of my head)

Kick: Andy Sneap kick samples, compressed at an 8:0 ratio, attack 2ms, hold 10ms, release 38ms (really accents the click when compressed this way), threshold -10. EQ, cut below 20hz, 3db boost at 100hz (quite a wide Q), 6db cut at 300-500hz (wide q), boost 3db at 5khz (wide q) and cut everything above 20khz (I only do that incase there are any wild frequencies I can't hear messing shit up) - I gate it also cuz during the mastering process you could really feel the low end lasting.

Snare: Compressed at a 4:0 ratio, 2ms attack, 10 hold, 30 release (really gets that fucker down to size) -20 threshold I think. Eq wise, cut below 100hz and a little bit of top end boost around 6-8khz andddddddd reverb on a send.

Toms: Cut below 100hz, 6db cut at 300-500hz and a 3db boost at around 6-8k anddddd cut everything above 20khz. Gate also.

Overheads: Cut everything below 500hz and a boost everything above 6khz by 3db just to give everything a sparkle. Compressed 2:0 just to cap the snare.

I routed all the drums except the kick to a reverb on a bus and I think the settings were pre-delay 10ms and a 1.5 second delay or whatever. I cut everything on that track below 500hz as well, didn't want any crazy low end building up.

Mastering wise I used a multiband, eq (cut below 20hz, boost at 100hz slightly, cut at 250, cut at 2khz, a boost everything above 6khz by 3db and then a sonnox oxford limiter, can't really remember the settings for any of these. That's all just off the top of my head anyway, hope that helps.