well, there are tight players.. and then there tight players. and with tight players, 4 is often the way to go. of course this really depends on how heavy and thick you want it to be.. and that's sometimes a functtion of the style of music that band pays, or just the band itself, like this band Artension. I tracked the guitars and keys on their first 4 albums back in the 90's and they were definitely a "2 tracks only" type of gig. as for just using different amps with the same performance, i've said this until so many times on here i can't count ... but i'll repeat it one more time for you guys: this is just blending amp tones and while it can help 2 wimpy sounds combine to one good one(or not if you have phase problems), it won't have the same, or even similar effect as tracking 4 times.. it s just wont. you guitars will still sound like 2 performances done with a decent tone. this is not a bad thing to me.. i think only using 'quad" tracking for everything, always, is just as silly as always only using double tracking would be... it's all about context to me.... same as anything else, do what's appropriate for the music.