The End of Void of Silence


Void of Silence member
Feb 7, 2003
Rome (ITALY)
After 11 years since we started this adventure, after 6 years since the band started its official activities and after three album released together as VOID OF SILENCE, we decided to put an end to this band.
We took this decision with sadness and bitterness, also we must admit we yet reached our initial goal.
We would like to thank our worlwide fans, those who always trusted us and those who supported us along the way.
A special thank to Fabban and Alan Nemtheanga, who gave us the possibility to release such incredible albums and to the whole code666 staff, always supportive towards our music.
A great hail also to our old friends Andrea Toro, Alessandro Bianchi, Riccardo Tran and Fabio Restano, who were beside us in the beginning.
We are not leaving the musical scene, just we will wear different dresses and walk different ways, together as usual.
Maybe one day things will run in a different way, who knows...
Bye and thanx to all :wave:

Riccardo Conforti and Ivan Zara.
On the one hand thats well crap, I only got into you guys since joining the code666 rosta and now your last 2 labums number amongst my favourite. But on the other Your certainly leaving with a high note and other such musical cliche ;) Your music certainly influenced us .
This is sad, sad indeed. You have done well. You are among those who can really say "we have acheived our goal". It's just that we can't have enough of your music. Oh well, you certainly aren't going to leave us really... 'Till next time, Good luck.

Massimiliano "Damien Filth" Monti
All good things must come to an end, sadly. Thanks for the great albums! Truly one of a kind and personaly my favorite band, still will be.
I don't know what to say, this saddens me a lot, I still remember the shock of listening for te first time Criteria Ov 666 . . .
Thank you for the 3 awesome albums and good luck.