The Ender/ myself


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2008
Hey guys!

Nice to finally get more involved in the forums here. I've been coming for a while to check out Andy Sneap and Neil Kernon's pages, but now I figured I'd scope out the rest of the site as well.

This is sort of a two-pronged introduction, as I'm introducing myself but also my band

My name is Alex and I come from central Ohio, and I play in a group called the Ender. I handle vocal duties and also guitar. I'd call myself a main songwriter but pretty much everyone writes a great deal so that'd be redundant haha

Anyway, I like many different types of music but I feel a certain fondness for metal as it is in many ways my roots as a musician, so I figured this would be a good place to come. Everyone in my group also has extremely varied taste and I think it comes through in our music. I'm sure not all you guys sit there cranking death metal on 11 24 hours straight, so I hope you guys can appreciate it. If not, that's cool too; any constructive criticism is warmly-welcomed!

I'll stop rambling now and link you to our page on myspace;

Enjoy guys, and it's good to be here!