the endless quest for a nice bass guitar sound (advice needed)


Mar 13, 2011
Actually i could have posted this in aviel's bass guitar thread, as i am facing similar problems, but i didnt want to hijack his thread.

I recorded a nice bassplayer, with a Sandberg Bass and a nice Glockenklang Amp, using the DI out of the amp. The first part has a ska/reggae vibe which then fades into a metal part(0:45). The raw bass sounds like this: raw.mp3

To my noob ears, it sounded way too sub-heavy. I processed it according to Ermz guide, and got an outcome im not quite happy with yet: processed.mp3

Now with drums going on, the processed bass sounds like this: dnb 1.mp3

I'm really stuck at the moment, cos whatever i try to change sounds even worse to me. Anyone got some hints perhaps?

Thanks in advance!

PS: FWIW, here is the drum stem:
The raw file sounds better than the processed one to me. I really liked the raw sounded, but the processed one was too subdued and quiet.
i think that the raw one with nice reverb will rock..
i have to admit that when i followed Ermz's guide i also found myself loosing all the low end, and getting too much mide and highs.
it was my fault though because i just cutted to much on the low end to get it clear, i guess thats why training is needed

did you use superior for the drums? or are those real?
the drums are real, i replaced the snare and bassdrum with trigger samples though. Thanks for all the help, im going to try it with drums&bass+reverb now and post the result if you dont mind.