Advice needed. bass sounds like total shit

Sounds to me like a really muddy bass played way too softly. It doesn't grind - it farts. In a rock-ish type mix you can probably get away with it though.

maybe someone can suggest me on a bass tone for reference that is still metal, but finger picked?

Bassist is using fingers. strings are too close to the fretboard. Might be hitting pickups with fingers. Possibly tracked too hot and somebody didn't watch their gain staging.

Hit it with TSE's BOD and an 8x10 impulse. That's all you'll be able to do with it.

Going for a sound like this? bass.mp3

+ its an active bass. i am not sure how he was playing with it. he might have also turned the tone knobs.

the sound you used has BOD on it?? i've been able to get something similiar with amplitube, but it cant fit a power-metal style mix. its just not there i think.
Sounds to me like a really muddy bass played way too softly. It doesn't grind - it farts. In a rock-ish type mix you can probably get away with it though.

Ermz, what is a rockish style mix for you? i dont really care now what type of mix i do to the song,, but i most have it done, and done good. so if there is any reference you guys have it can be great