The Expire Poll

Does the length hurt? (oooohhhh)

  • Too deep

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Nice

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
There seems to be a rift forming b'twixt members as to the heavy length of expire. Now i know girth is preferable to length, but lets have a poll and see.
yep. i think it's too long. i mean it's the same thing for the last 3 minutes or so, right? dunno, just an opinion...
Hmn, originally in the studio i did have thoughts on whether it may be too long or not, but since then after hearing the finished thing i really dont have a problem with it. Antimatter is a free environment for me and Dunc, and we have complete freedom over what we want to do, and as Expire is one of Duncs tracks he has complete control and I will stand by him in his desicion to have a loop like that. Like he said in the studio 'Its not as if I dont know how to end the song', and hes right. Hes flying in the face of convention and maybe some people wont be able to cope with such desicions.

Also I think take the song in context of the album, in the tracklisting it may be just the place to have something monotonous for a bit to ease off on the dynamics.
yeah, absolutely, you can try to make it a 3 minute one for radio or something, but on an album it's often something i really like, that there's such a space moment.
well you know my opinion...
and like sol said it can be frightening for people who are not into antimatter when they hear the song. (does this sounds as a request for another song?)
btw i cant find the final tracklist on the website? so i dont know if its in the right place on the album.........
Also, repeating what Ive just said on the 'new mp3 thread' ...

i'd like to point out that 'Expire' is not the official mp3 preview of the album, it's a taster for the people on these forums, and only the people on these forums know about it.

When the time comes, my site will be updated (soon) and then there will be an mp3 that me and Dunc have decided will be the official preview track, at which point 'Expire' will no longer be available.
Mick Moss said:
You wont know if its in the right place on the album until you hear the album. A tracklisting doesnt contain a list of dynamics.
okay i read you r post wrong, i thought you meant its somewhere at the end... :oops:
OK, Mick's latest posts explain things. I'm glad that you see the point of some of us fans.
And we can only judge by what we have heard up till now and cannot refer to the the song as a component of the whole album, as you can do. Maybe some of us would see it like you do when we would know Light's out.
And thanx for giving us another preview!
expire is fucken cool. that riff is a winner and the ending does exactly what its supposed to do. 'lights out' is gonna make the difference between people who understand the true essence of antimatter and those who bought 'saviour' cause they liked 'wings of god'.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
expire is fucken cool. that riff is a winner and the ending does exactly what its supposed to do. 'lights out' is gonna make the difference between people who understand the true essence of antimatter and those who bought 'saviour' cause they liked 'wings of god'.

RIFFIN' IN ANTIMATTER !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: you still got that sick sense of humour of yours honey ;)
Hey what are you doing here BTW, you were supposed to be gone forever, so back off !!
cedarbreed said:
Real doom songs last at least 8 minutes ...

Yes, that's because doom is played in slowmotion
to be honest mick its ok as it is. it depends on the perceptions of the person listening to the song. those of a higher mental state wont be bothered by its hypnoticness. those who never touched drugs or drink and dig dream theater might not be best qualified to answer this question. still you never know...