The Fair Judgement Tour.

Jack Damien

The Voice of the Fog
Apr 20, 2003
Hartwell, Ga
Hello, this is my first post here, but I've been a fan of Opeth for quite some time. But I was looking around yesterday and found that they are doing a tour with a number of bands.

Now here's my question, I've never been to a live show in my life, I'm 15 just so you know. I was wondering how is Opeth live? And are they worth busting my ass and basically becoming a slave to my parents?

I only asked because I read that their live shows weren't all that great.
Just go see them dammit, i've been to lots of concerts and opeth is still the best band i've ever seen live. And they don't even have to do anything except play for it to be that good.
If you're familiar with Opeth's material you'll love the show..It will be fun..Lots of emotions come up when Opeth play live, some sing alongs and a big pit for the encore..Go for it, go to the show..
Your dad will like them too!
opeth are the greatest band to have ever ever existed, so i went to see them expecting more perfection then they could ever have delivered. they blew my expectations to a bloody pulp, they're worth it for sure. opeth are gods. don't belive anything less of them.
If you have the opportunity to go, GO. You people don't realize how lucky you are. I've never seen a band I'm a fan of in this crap ass state, NEVER!
i couldnt go...because it was over 18s.....however...if u can.....GO DAMMIT>>....or i shall kick you square in the nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAARRRRGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH roar.
Ive been breathing for about 20 years longer than you, Ive seen every band from Metallica to Pink floyd. My advice is to see them now. Those assholes who say they suck live are just numetal dicks waiting for the corus to kick in over and over so they can do their native dance.
After years of waiting, the Deliverance tour ended up being the best night of my life thus far. On that note, I INSIST that you go to the Damnation tour.

Of course, you might want to see the age limit... depending on where it is held, it could be 18+. Though, judging on the response for Deliverance, I think that they may choose for bigger (and for the most part, all ages) venues
Damn! I didn't know about any age rule! But it seems that everyone of you people insisted that I go. Believe me I would go, it's just ALOT of preperations need to made. Neither of my parents will drive in Atlanta no matter what I do. So I'm pretty much screwed unless I can find someone that'll go with me. I am damned by my youth! :mad:
Jack Damien said:
Damn! I didn't know about any age rule! But it seems that everyone of you people insisted that I go. Believe me I would go, it's just ALOT of preperations need to made. Neither of my parents will drive in Atlanta no matter what I do. So I'm pretty much screwed unless I can find someone that'll go with me. I am damned by my youth! :mad:
The Masquerade is all ages. If I still lived in Atlanta, I'd come pick you up. Sorry, man.

But after 130 concerts in my life, Opeth is probably in the top 10. They are very good live and worth seeing if you can make it. Not worth risking your life for, though...
I've been to many many shows in my life. I've seen Opeth two times so far, going on a third in May. I must say they are good live.. not the tighest, best sounding band live as compared to their CDs, but that is to be expected with you can have that perfect studio sound on clean voice and accoustic guitars compared to live.. however for what they can do, they pull it off very good and always a joy to see.

Just find a ride man! When I was your age, I paid somebody 200 bucks to drive me to a killer show two times, and these were underground deathmetal shows. I was quite insane back then.. but now that I drive I go to shows in Cleveland, Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Saracuse.... Soon to New York City, 9 hours a way to see Camel!

You wont be dissapointed.
You should go. I am going to see Opeth for the very first time for this tour. Although, my first show was for Tool. Heh, which was last year. I am 17 btw.
Good! I found a somewhat ride to the show, my parents said if he goes I can too. Only problem is he isn't into Opeth as much as I am. He likes them fairly well but doesn't really dig the vocals all too much. But I'm slowly coming closer to seeing them which is always a pleasent thought.
Heres thething about Opeth live, with compsitions as persice as Opeth's theres no room for jamming, improves and so forth, pherhaps on a few of the solos, so it does basicaly sound like the record. The key difference to me is that the emotion and energy are trippled live, now imagine feeling all that passion in Credence or all the anger of Demon of the Fall. Thats what makes them such a great band to see live, and if that type of stuff matters to you when it comes to live concerts go check em out.