I've been following this a bit too. It's pretty fucking funny and I'm sure nude celeb rings are just the tip of the whole black-market-of-the-internet iceberg.
I don't think the 2nd wave is going to happen. Between the greed of the OPs and law enforcement, we'll never seen the wonders that remain unpublic (I don't think "private" is the right word).


JLAW VIDEOS!!!!!! :( I'm drunk and hoping for more Jlaw.
Whoa, I didn't see the JLaw vids! Anything worth watching?

And yes, I'm all over Reddit. It's fucking hilarious. If the affected people are business savvy, they'll make jokes about this on SNL or something. Jennifer Lawrence should say something like, "Yeah, my tits are so nice that I wanted to share them with the world. Enjoy."

Instead, the FBI is now investigating and people can't just admit that they like fucking, sucking, and cumming.

First of all, if you're gonna take explicit photos of yourself, you don't upload them to fucking cloud storage. Secondly, when people have undeniable proof that it's you, don't spam Twitter angrily with comments like, "FUCK ALL YOU LOSERS THEY'RE FAKE!" No, they're not fake, Victoria Justice.

It also begs the question: legally, what's the difference between these celebrities and an amateur video of some loser's ex-gf he leaked to Youporn? Why is it all of a sudden a big deal now? Is celebrity pussy more important than jilted ex-gf pussy? It's a rhetorical question, but still.
Whoa, I didn't see the JLaw vids! Anything worth watching?
They haven't been released yet, but the "OP" has teased.
First of all, if you're gonna take explicit photos of yourself, you don't upload them to fucking cloud storage. Secondly, when people have undeniable proof that it's you, don't spam Twitter angrily with comments like, "FUCK ALL YOU LOSERS THEY'RE FAKE!" No, they're not fake, Victoria Justice.

Yeah, I have 0 sympathy. When you seek fame, you wave all right to privacy. You are literally seeking to be a person of attention, everything you do is now public. Add to that their ignorance of what is accessible on the cloud, I don't feel the tiniest bit of guilt checking out their pics.
This is all a result of a prudish repressed Western world, where showing tits is somehow a terrible thing.

If I could go back in time and kill anyone, it would be Constantine, the prick.
First of all, if you're gonna take explicit photos of yourself, you don't upload them to fucking cloud storage.
I think a little bit of blame here belongs to Apple and their vague default settings to automatically upload everything on your device. But still, as a person of public attention, you should be hyper aware of things exactly like this so I don't really feel bad saying it's the celebrities fault for letting them on the internet in the first place. The "cloud" is on the internet, and therefore vulnerable. Obviously.