The Final Chapter


IkiHorros Hypocrazy
Jul 20, 2003
Tamperkele, Tammerfrost, FIN
Visit site
There´s not a much talk about this one. So I was just wondering what you guys think about this record?
First I had this weird feeling from it. Like it wasn´t that good. But nowdays when I listen to it, in that moment it feels like it is the best one ever made.
And it has all these hit-songs, haha.
And the whole feeling in it is (to me anyway) very different from the oters. Of course all the cd´s kinda have their own spirit, but this one has a special meaning to me.

Which users in here were a Hypocrisy-fan before this cd was released?
`Cause there was that time that this cd was going to be the last one. What was your experience? Huh? :) I´d just like to know.

I myself am a quite new fan to the band, but the more dedicated. Over a year now has passed by listening to Hypocrisy at least 5 cd´s a day. And I just can´t get enough. There really isn´t a lot of space left for other music in my life. You all know, there´s no reason really to say this, but , they are just something remarkable. Not many bands have the magic that they have.
When I first discovered the band a few years back I was pretty much obsessed over them for the longest time. I don't listen to them several times a day like I used to, but I do consider them one of my all time favorite bands.

The Final Chapter is a weird one for me. I like it, but the songs really do sound like a collection of tracks instead of one cohesive work. A Coming Race is easily my favorite Hypocrisy song, but the album is probably my #4 favorite of theirs, behind Abducted, the s/t, and the 4th Dimension.

The Final Chapter was my first Hypocrisy album. From the opening of Inseminated Adoption I was pulled in and haven't looked back.
well, I was an hypo fan before the album was released, after abducted I really became a big hypocrisy fan, although I like them a lot already since the 4th dimension, abducted blew me away.. then I read somewhere that the final chapter was coming out and it was the final Hypo album, so when it came out I bought it inmediatly, and it was like a treasure for me, I had some strange feelings, I loved the album, but I was kind of dissapointed about the band splitting up. I listened to the album a lot, until they decided not to split, then destroys wacken was released and then Hypocrisy, that's the point where the final chapter lost that special thing for me because "Hypocrisy" is one of the best albums I've ever heard, and in my opinion the best hypo album, so then The final chapter wasn't that treasure and instead of that got stuck, between two better and amazing albums like abducted and hypocrisy, is still a very good album, but not as good as the other 2.

although Request denied is one of my all time favourites
i've been a Hypocrisy fan for about 2 years. I currently own only 4 albums...The 4th demension, Abducted, the Final chapter and Into the abyss. The Final Chapter has always been my favorite one easily...Request denied, a coming race, the final chapter, inseminated adoption are fucking pinacles...sounds like it was recorded in the middle of an abduction in the desert. It's essential for me to own the first 2 and the self titled. Who knows, the self-titled may become my favorite. But I always thought Final Chapter was one of their more acclaimed albums's pretty amazing to me.
I have been a fan since Penetralia (yes, I really am that old school). I love The Final Chapter. It does have a special feeling all its own, even to this day...I guess that is because, at the time of its release, it was to be the final album from one of my favorite bands that I "grew up" with. Besides, it has one of my all-time favorite Hypo songs, "Adjusting The Sun".
FaustOrFamine said:
I have been a fan since Penetralia (yes, I really am that old school). I love The Final Chapter. It does have a special feeling all its own, even to this day...I guess that is because, at the time of its release, it was to be the final album from one of my favorite bands that I "grew up" with. Besides, it has one of my all-time favorite Hypo songs, "Adjusting The Sun".

True true.......same here :)

Oldschool fan ever since they putted out Penetralia (it was like a death/black-metal record which i never heard before), and since them i always have been a fan :)

But The Final Chapter is a whole different has it's beauty, which all the Hypo albums have, but this one has a blend of gothic, doom and death and it rocks!

My fave song off this album must be far " Shamateur " I Don't know......but this songs does something with me (espacially the part " Of mercy.... " ).

In my opinion, is The Final Chapter also a record which grows when listening to it, every time you hear it, you discover more briljant riffs :)

And btw, the final chapter (the song itself) is a masterpiece!
FaustOrFamine said:
I have been a fan since Penetralia (yes, I really am that old school). I love The Final Chapter. It does have a special feeling all its own, even to this day...I guess that is because, at the time of its release, it was to be the final album from one of my favorite bands that I "grew up" with. Besides, it has one of my all-time favorite Hypo songs, "Adjusting The Sun".

[edit] Damn lag [/edit] :)
FaustOrFamine said:
I have been a fan since Penetralia (yes, I really am that old school). I love The Final Chapter. It does have a special feeling all its own, even to this day...I guess that is because, at the time of its release, it was to be the final album from one of my favorite bands that I "grew up" with. Besides, it has one of my all-time favorite Hypo songs, "Adjusting The Sun".

[edit] And another lag problem [/edit] :)
stefan86 said:
The title track is brilliant

I stand behind those words with all my heart.

I've recovered band about a year or two ago. But first time my friend supported this band about three years ago.
And now I'm totally :OMG: ... to Hypocrisy.

And, what is best, I'm not the kind of scene people who usually likes the band's newest songs. I hate those people who even don't try to listen the old stuff, when the find some band. (For example Amon Amarth's forum, most of the people only talks about the new songs, and thinks they're the best ones. which isn't true at all, AND so is with HYPOCRISY)

Hypocrisy's oldest stuff totally kicks ass! But so does newer ones. And, I'm soooo happy that They haven't forgot the bites like "Pleasure of Molestation" when perfoming live. (Even if in Helsinki at 25.10 they didn't play this one 'till the end! :cry:

Hypo rules!
FaustOrFamine said:
I have been a fan since Penetralia (yes, I really am that old school). I love The Final Chapter. It does have a special feeling all its own, even to this day...I guess that is because, at the time of its release, it was to be the final album from one of my favorite bands that I "grew up" with. Besides, it has one of my all-time favorite Hypo songs, "Adjusting The Sun".
Hehehe, nothing wrong with old school. Penetralia was my first album encounter with Hypocrisy, but my first exposure came through the video of Left To Rot on Death Is Just The Beginning Vol.1 VHS. Now THAT is old-school. With every album thereafter, Hypocrisy have just gotten better, with the exception of a few questionable moments on Into The Abyss and Catch 22.
As far as fave albums go, the s/t is easily my favorite. "Hypocrisy" is simply some of the best adagio songwriting in metal that I have ever heard, not to mention the best production. The Final Chapter is also great, but is third on my list. Some songs are remarkable though, like A Coming Race(gotta love the lament bass Peter wrote into the song-----perhaps a homage to Bach?), or Inquire Within, Request Denied, and even Szoke's song, Shamateur. Great album, but not their best.
Now comes the wait for the Arrival, which I firmly believe will be up to the standards(almost typoed that word into satandards, hehe) of the s/t, if not even surpass it. Only time will tell. Anyways, here is my list of fave Hypo albums:
1. Hypocrisy
2. Abducted
3. The Final Chapter
4. The Fourth Dimension
5. Into The Abyss
6. Penetralia
7. Catch 22
8. Inferior Devoties
9. Osculum Obscenum
I have been a fan since Penetralia (yes, I really am that old school). I love The Final Chapter. It does have a special feeling all its own, even to this day...I guess that is because, at the time of its release, it was to be the final album from one of my favorite bands that I "grew up" with. Besides, it has one of my all-time favorite Hypo songs, "Adjusting The Sun".

couldnt have said it better.... i bought penetralia when it first came out and was an avid fan through till abducted. then i had a break where i wasnt out looking for new death metal CDs... and one day i found myself looking through the used CD bin and i say a new hypocrisy album.... called the final chapter... i didnt think anything special, just bought it and put it in my cd player. while i was listening i read that it was the 'last hypocrisy album ever'... i almost freaked out, because it was SUCH a good album, how could they stop making more???

the more i listened to it the sadder i became. its such a great record... i love the space feeling with "inquire within", "adjusting the sun" is incredible
and fuck me running "EVIL INVADERS" FUCKING OWNS.

nothing made me happier than to see hypocrisy's next album "destroys wacken" and then (self titled) on the shelf after that. with the exception of 2 tracks off of 'into the abyss' (legions decend, and blinded KICK ASS) the band has gone downhill a bit since then... im expecing BIG things from the arrival. i am not a fan of the self titled album, or catch22 at all. hopefully they pull back some of the power from osculum obscenum and the space/scary sounds of 4th dimension/abducted/final chapter.

just my $0.02

final chapter is a great album.
1. Hypocrisy
2. Abducted
3. The Final Chapter
4. The Fourth Dimension
5. Into The Abyss
6. Penetralia
7. Catch 22
8. Inferior Devoties
9. Osculum Obscenum

i would have to order it like this

1. Osculum Obscenum (the re-recordings on 10years are FUCKING HUGE...)
2. 4th Dimension (most original recording in the history of death metal IMHO)
3. Penetrailia (just brutal, again ,the re-recordings are insane)
4. Abducted (really taking onto the alien theme, love it...what the hell is up with the chicken??)
5. The Final Chapter (all genius)
6. Inferior Devotes
7. Into the Abyss
8. Hypocrisy
9. Catch 22 ( reminds me of metallica 'load'.... it isnt the WORSt album ever made, but they ARE SO MUCH BETTER!!!)

this is for you Peter, bring back the evil invaders!

I've been a fan of Hypocrisy since i bought Penetralia 10 years ago, that album is my fav death metal one of all times, i think it's the best example of swedish death metal, it gives me incredible sensation everytime i listen to it ! The final chapter is a good album too, the songs quality is as usual high, but Penetralia... :cool:
I started listening to Hypocrisy when Abducted came out, and bought their albums in order of release. The Final chapter is my favorite with Abducted coming in at a close second.
I have been a fan since Osculum Obscenum. I bought Penetralia shortly after discovering Hypocrisy, and have been following them ever since.

For me it's kinda weird - each time a new Hypocrisy album comes out I don't really like it the first time I hear it (I'm talking about albums AFTER The Final Chapter), but after a couple listens it really starts to come to life for me and I get absolutely hooked.

I was so bummed when I heard that they were calling it quits after TFC, and I was incredibly excited when I saw "Hypocrisy" in the store. I hadn't been following any underground news source, and in the States you won't hear SHIT about hypocrisy unless you do some digging, so I was shocked and pleased to learn they had decided against hanging it all up.

Best band ever, imho. Peter is a friggin' genius.