The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

The first COB song I ever heard was LAKE BODOM, on a Romanian rock radio show. I was in highschool back then (1998). I liked the sound and then I was curious to find out more and more.
Red Light pt. 1 and i loved it
but weird how alexis voice changed over the years
for me the growling in red light sounds way lower than in the growling on the new tracks
Red Light pt. 1 and i loved it
but weird how alexis voice changed over the years
for me the growling in red light sounds way lower than in the growling on the new tracks

Usually people's voice changes or wears down after years. Alexi's voice especially has downgraded ridiculously since the first albums.

But of course there are demigods like Jon Nödtveidt who kept their awesome voice through the years.


don't get me wrong, still like their music and his voice
but it has rly changed
maybe he should change his whisky brand?
jacky seems not 2 benefit his voice XD
Well, I think the first Children of Bodom -song I've heard was from Follow the Reaper -album, maybe Hate me! I thought it was something weird but I liked it. And then I became a fan. :)
My frend gave me 'Follow the Reaper' when I was about 17 or so, and my first song was 'Bodom after Midnight' and I was bloody awsome, then it was followed by the rest of the album and my total favourites were 'Hate me' and 'Northern Comfort'.

And then I more-less stayed on the Reaper, and I knew absolutely nothing about Alexi and the rest of this awesome crew, until I hear Children Of Bodom - Children Of Bodom last summer, and then the Lobodomy rlly started and it reached it's peak when I heard AYDY, and that was the moment when I said ' I simply adore these guys...'

So I'm accually a totaly noob fan, but I know a lot about the band's history now, and I have a rlly strong wish to learn finnish (beyond things like PERKELE, VITTU, TURPA KIINI PELLE and similar :P)
It was bed of razors, in 2009 summer my friend told me to put some bodom (all albums) on my ipod. since then, they are my favorite band. Ive taken A big leap Into the Keyboard. Old Bodom, New Bodom, I love it all
Whoa, whould liked to heard that for a first song! And not AYDY (A)

I am glad Something Wild wasn't my first Bodom experience. It probably would have taken longer for me to get into them because there is the possibility I would have just blown them off after the first couple listens. Same had it been AYDY. I probably joined up right at the best possible time.
Silent night, Bodom night. Found them on my own, when just browsing through youtube i think. Then the next song was Towards dead end.
After that i just stayed on Hatebreeder. And evolved from that after some time :)

However i think i can still call my two first songs my favorite songs
In Your Face

A friend from high school was just crazy for COB... and I didn't heard anuthing of 'em before then. Anyway, I searched for any song of 'em on youtube, and saw the "In Your Face" vid. After that, I started searchin' for more of their songs... I pretty liked 'em pretty much...
Bodom After Midnight. Hated the screaming at first...After listening to a few other songs on "Follow the Reaper", grew accustomed to the vocals. Loved them ever since.
You're Better Off Dead.

I remember I bought a magazine in 2003 with a CD inside , there was a couple of song from different bands , inculde You're better off dead.
I was fucking amazed by the song i couldn't stop listening to it. I even lost the magazine with the CD then ... i bought it again just for listen the song again and again :))
... damn still my favourite band to date.
Something from Blooddrunk PROBABLY because it was the fall of 2008 i think when a dude from my ice hockey team played some Bodom for me. Back then it sounded REALLY extreme (Listened to Metallica back then) so that's an other reason i think it was Blooddrunk (imo, their heaviest album).

Song was probably Tie My Rope because when I asked him a few months later what was his favourite song (I had listened to some of their songs on YT and though Children Of Decadense and DWE, DFN were good except for the horrible screaming) and he said it was TMR.

Ps. Now I really like the "Horrible screaming"
WIWI......first song I ever heard of CoB's and prob the best. Everything before AYDY is pretty gay if you ask me.