The first one


Aug 11, 2011
I have only been recording for a month now. I've been struggling to get decent sounds, and I'm a bit drowning in all the information, but this is the first mix i'm kinda happy with.

This is basically as far as my knowledge can bring me, so now I think it is time to get people that know a lot more about mixing than me give me some pointers.

The song is 'Severed into Separates' by Darkest Hour. It is not at all meant to be an attempt to get as close as possible to the original. Its shorter and simplified for faster tracking. I just think the song fits the style I am aiming for, so I just use it as a vessel to test my own tone. Anyway if you really want to compare:

The drum is DFH. I found a gp5 file for the song and extracted the drum midi from it. Its decent, not perfect, but it beats programming the midi myself.
Guitars are mostly TSE 808, TSE X30, EQuality and some delay for the backing guitar.
Bass was played on guitar and pitch shifted down, then TSE BOD.
I used the X30 bc I recently bought an e530 so I wanted to see what can be done with it.

From what I can hear the biggest 'problem' right now is the bass kick and bass guitar, which are a tad too loud right now.
I would like to overhaul the whole drum sound, but I simply don't have the knowledge to do so. I've opened some SD2:TMF presets and it is so complicated... And off course I shoud look into a decent bass sound bc that pitch shifting thing is not perfect at all.

So what do you guys think?
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So what do you suggest for drums? I have TMF but i've not yet found a decent kit I like. And good user presets are hard to find as most seem to mix the drums in their DAW rather than in the VST itself.

I'll try to work on the guitars a bit too. I think they sound too polished right now, i wouldn't mind some more grit and personality to it.
Guitars are beyond one dimensional. Yeah and DFH sucks. Trust me I know. It's good for writing I suppose. Not for recording. Thing is dude, if this is just for hobby then don't sweat it too much. I understand you want your shit to come to life and be big but at the end of the day, it's about the music. However, If you truly want to get into recording then you need to read as much as you can on eq, compression etc etc and everything else vital to a solid mix and start applying the newly acquired knowledge to your mixes. There are alot of samples, tips and very helpful threads for metal production on these boards I recommend you pick some stuff up, take advice from the guys on here and just start experimenting. Over time you will just naturally start getting better and better. But you have come to the right place looking for help.

I don't have much to say on the mix because it's low production, and thus kind of an empty canvas but I suppose you could look into parallel compression for the drums as they lack serious punch and that is a helpful tool that you will likely use from the moment you learn it, until the end of time lol. Also for DFH make sure your kick velocities are maxed out. Metal kind of requires a robotic kick and the DFH samples are ass. The first kick is par but again it needs to be full velocity to be even somewhat appealing. A bass would certainly help obviously. The guitars as I said have next to no dynamics. I haven't used the x30 so I have no help there. Though I've heard epic results from experienced users, so it is possible to make thing work wonders. Idk this is getting to be a short story. The moral here is to just keep practicing and spend some serious time on these forums. You'll get it there man.