The Folklore Thread!!!

Tabletwister K.ala
Oct 8, 2003
My dearest brother Avi!!! :hotjump: :hotjump::hotjump:
Today me and OrphanedAngel received your mail. YOU RULE BROTHER!!!:worship:
Thousand Thanks my friend, we love you!!! Not just being such a great brother in soul but also doing a great and loyal job for all of us in here but first of all for the reason we all have been here...our beloved band ORPHANED LAND!!!:worship::worship::worship:
Your existance and love honours OL and all the OL fans worldwide. Keep up the great work you're doing brother, we are with you in every step that OL and you are taking!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:

And i speak to everyone in here. Is this guy great or what? :)
As Dreamcell Wrote , Avi Is The Best Moderator , He Always Inform The Orphaned Family About The Group News And Also He Is A Great Friend!!!!!!:hotjump:
We Received Today Your Letter And The OL Signed Poster That Is Awesome! :worship: :rock:
Thanks Again My Friend Avi For Thinking Of Us , We Are Always On Your Side
Endless Love And Support From Greece :Spin: :wave: :worship:
I Dont Know You My Friend But If My Brother Dreamcell Told That You Are A Great Person I Believe Him And I Hope To See You And Drink A Couple Of Beers In Festival!!!!cheersssssss!!!!!!!
Yes he is a dear! I got several books in the mail a couple of days ago from him...he took the time to go out and look for some things I was interested in - I really appreciate it. Avi, your cds will be out to you this week! Sorry it's taken so long but I've been sick, still am actually ...I'll promise to get your cds to you soon, without any germs ;)