The font just turned black!

Man, I hate it when the font turns black, it looks like shite!

white niggaz > traditional niggaz
Shite rhymes with White!

black comedian: "Black people drive their cars like this....and white people drive their cars like this"
Homer: "Hahaha, it's true...we are so lame".
hahahahahaha I love that one. And he makes the gangsta bumpin' sounds for black dudes and the dorky deetdeedee sound for white dudes hahahahaha
Yeah, and when he does the black dude driving, he leans way back and leans his arm out the car. And the white guy sits as far forward as possible, leaning his chest against the steering wheel.

So which character is coming out the closet?
Alright check this, when you think of a list Family Feud style of Best Baddies EvAr, who comes up on the list near the top probably every time? Darth Fucking Vader. Big mean black mufucka w/ James Earl Jones for a voice. Black as night. But at his core, what is he? A white dude.

white > black
I think that's a tad harsh. He worked under Admiral Akbar's orders in the final of the holy trinity, and Akbar was without doubt someone of colour. Even his name sounds ethnic.

Either way, I don't think he ever quite reached Colin Powell status as "house boy".


Lando pilot skills > Solo pilot skills

Han was nothing without Chewie.
Agreed, Han was all looks and "wahoo's" on the ship, he didn't prove himself useful until docking, but even then his heroics were short lived, I mean, what kind of badass gets imprisoned in fucking carbonite!? Lame.
Plus he flew down the gullet of an astroid worm. And when getting sucked into the death star by the tractor beam, what was his plan? Hide under the fucking floorboards. Who does he think he is? Anne Frank?