The Gear Bargains/Sales Thread


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Figured it would be good to have one thread to post any bargains we find that we'd like to share with other forum members. So stuff like Stupid Deal Of The Day etc or plugins on sale can be posted here!

I'll kick us off. Chances are you guys already know this but has a sale on for September:

Trigger Platinum - $169
Virtual Console Collection - $149
Virtual Tape Machines - $199
FGX Mastering Processor - $149

^I used the above deal and the $50 coupon I had to get VTM for $149/£95!
Also here's a good one for those of you finding that the price of bass strings are stinging you a bit. A 5 string stainless steel set for less than £5! They come from Hong Kong but only took about a week to reach me. I used them to record the bass tracks for the Hallowed Be Thy Name cover and can't say that I hear any big difference between these and brand name strings (though I haven't done a direct A/B comparison)
Also here's a good one for those of you finding that the price of bass strings are stinging you a bit. A 5 string stainless steel set for less than £5! They come from Hong Kong but only took about a week to reach me. I used them to record the bass tracks for the Hallowed Be Thy Name cover and can't say that I hear any big difference between these and brand name strings (though I haven't done a direct A/B comparison)

Loving this thread already!
Figured it would be good to have one thread to post any bargains we find that we'd like to share with other forum members. So stuff like Stupid Deal Of The Day etc or plugins on sale can be posted here!

I'll kick us off. Chances are you guys already know this but has a sale on for Septembert:

Trigger Platinum - $169
Virtual Console Collection - $149
Virtual Tape Machines - $199
FGX Mastering Processor - $149

^I used the above deal and the $50 coupon I had to get VTM for $149/£95!

fuckin a, thanks for reminding me I had that $50 coupon :) pulled the trigger on VTM as well