The Geek Hierarchy: How many squares can you color in?


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Four, I think. Does it count that I have a couple of light up, sound-producing Star Wars light sabers? Hey, they were gifts!
Tentative 7. I barely play video games or watch anime these days and I only read a few comics among the many my husband buys. Mostly just Kick Ass and Ex Machina. Plus there was just the one time I wrote that erotic Star Trek furry fanfiction.
12 boxes. I would say that sucked, except that I can color in the top box itself, so all of Y'ALL suck. Worship me, etc. :lol:

In my defense, some of them are redundant, though. I would certainly qualify as a Trekkie since my dad brought me to the big Star Trek cons in NYC in 1974 and 1975, but any Trekkie is also automatically an "SF on TV" fan.

I was wondering how geeky people who SELL replicas of fantasy swords would be, by comparison. :)

I wouldn't know, Paul said loftily. The swords I sold* aren't "replicas of fantasy swords." Forsooth.


BTW, Furry Weekend Atlanta (a sizeable furry con here) was this past weekend, and I was in the area because we had a Dragon*Con staff meeting right next-door. I instantly thought of this exact chart. :lol:

* past tense, since my employer, Starfire Swords, has pulled out of the Georgia RenFaire and abandoned their booth. (!)
I don't know what furries are, so I feel safe.
I didn't know either so I Googled it. Furries.
Really? I can't imagine how I missed this since my youngest son can clearly fill in at least 10 of those boxes, but has never mentioned furries. Is this geekdom for the pre-adolescent?
Wow only 3, I feared much worse. I would love to see what my friends that are hippies or in a frat/soro would think of Paul since they think I am ridiculously dorky
I didn't know either so I Googled it. Furries.
Really? I can't imagine how I missed this since my youngest son can clearly fill in at least 10 of those boxes, but has never mentioned furries. Is this geekdom for the pre-adolescent?

It's been around for years. It's just an extremely looked down upon group that usually is met with ridicule. Especially the erotic furry fans because... bestiality anyone? I know some people that go to furry conventions and they're probably two of the weirdest people I know and they're one of the less creepier variety of the furry fandom.
Though at this point I'd add Avatards onto that list and put them right below the furry fans because that fanbase has to be one of the most annoying ones in recent memory.