The Good Luck Wyvern Thread


Apr 18, 2005
Send Wyvern all positive energy, good vibes, metal health, whatever you can today. Lets keep our Metal Brother healthy through his surgery. :headbang:
would this do the job ???


take care bro ' !!!!
Took me awhile to find out what my brother Wyv was having surgery for, but the general chat thread answered my questions. I'll be thinking about you throughout the day, my friend. May it truly be a new beginning for you. If not, you'll have to come visit me. Everyone is joyful when I am around!
My thoughts are with you Wyv... best of luck!

I don't have any photos dressed up as a nurse, so can't help you there :lol:
Aw people, you have all touched me deeply:cry: . That why I love so much UMOS is way beyond metal is a family in cyberspace

The nurses weren't so sexy but they were very fiendly (no sponge bath tho :p ) and helpful.

I recall the anesthesiologist said to me that she already put the stuff on my line and the doctors talking about vacations in Barcelona. Next thing I was in a recovery ward with a bandage in my elboy and pretty groggy. They gave me morphine too which is fading so now the pain is becoming more prominent, but nothing I can't handle.
I can't recall any dreams or white light so it was a pretty boring trip considering the cocktail of stuff they gave me, among those Dormicum which I have used in the past and recommend extensively for those who need to sleep tight and relax.

I have to see the doctor on Monday for post-surgery evaluation, and according to him get the stitches off next Friday, so I hope I'll be alright for the Dio concert on the 22nd.

And now the gore:


P.S. I still have attached the electrodes to my chest, wonder what'll happened if I connect them to the USB port :loco:
NP: Conception - 'Reach Out'
Wyvern said:
P.S. I still have attached the electrodes to my chest, wonder what'll happened if I connect them to the USB port :loco:
You'll be sucked into cyber space forever.

Glad to hear things went well and you'll be able to throw up the horns for the Dio show...:headbang: Take care, bro.
Glad to hear you're pin-removal went well! I still remember the "stuff" they gave me after surgery in 2004......Morphine rules!

Looking forward to meeting a pinless Wyv in Atlanta!

Pabla said:
My thoughts are with you Wyv... best of luck!

I don't have any photos dressed up as a nurse, so can't help you there :lol:

:saint: I have some.....opening bids start at $150.00 :lol: :lol:

Brother Wyvern will be sending you good and happy thoughts and hoping you get a hottie of a nurse to comfort you and give you sponge baths all day!
kittybeast said:
:saint: I have some.....opening bids start at $150.00 :lol: :lol:

Do you take credit cards?

hoping you get a hottie of a nurse to comfort you and give you sponge baths all day!


NP: Helloween - 'Falling Higher'
Thanks people.

Yes it's a 6.5 cm screw (~2.5 in) and now officially I'm screw loose :lol: On the other hand I love these electrode pads on my chest, wish I can keep them attached :loco:

The doctor said no bathing until Sunday so tomorrow I'm gonna be

As a "bonus" I'm not going to work on Monday, I cannot drive safely with one hand and it'll be difficult for me to go the office with someone elses. Besides I have to check with the physician on the afternoon.

Blitzkrieg - 'Take A Look Around'
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Took me awhile to find out what my brother Wyv was having surgery for, but the general chat thread answered my questions. I'll be thinking about you throughout the day, my friend. May it truly be a new beginning for you. If not, you'll have to come visit me. Everyone is joyful when I am around!

Holy cow !! Wyverns not going to be a girl now is he ?!?!

J/k brother Vern. I am sorry I missed giving my best regards to you before surgery. Too bad there wasn't one of these to give you a sponge bath.......

